Ha! This is the ultimate confession and I believe the full extent of Jesus' Love for me that I am His most Beloved of all. hee.. yes, Jesus loves all human coz if He hadn't love anyone, He wouldn't have died for us. And to top it all, Jesus died my death. He died on my behalf so that I can have life. Today's sermon is simple and yet so powerful.
The only thing we have to focus on is how much Jesus loves us. When we were having our Holy Communion, I started to see and focus the love of Jesus on me alone. That He was hung on the cross, looking down towards me into my eyes, to tell me this, "my dearest Sharon.. This is the death that I am willing to die for you, so that you can have life." My eyes started to tear and I was so deeply touched by His Love for me.
Jesus! Jesus! You died on the cross for me with all the lacerations on your body and you were despised, spat on and mocked at. You bore them all for me so that I will never experience any of these. Your Love is far greater than anybody else's love.
Daddy God, thank you for Your most willing sacrifice of Your Beloved Son, Lord Jesus, who willingly died for me, and took all the curses, judgement and punishments on my behalf. His Blood cleansed me so clean until You find no speck of sin in me, coz His Blood washed me clean until I'm as white as snow. Thank you Daddy God that You have made me the Righteousness of God in Christ, not by my actions, behaviour or words. But by the obedience of my Lord Jesus, that He fulfilled all the 10 Commandments and laws for me. Even when I sin in the past, present or future, I know I'm still being loved coz You will never count them against me at all, for the Blood of Jesus had already washed me perfectly clean. Thank You Daddy God. Nothing is more perfect than His Love and finished work on the cross. Amen..
Identity in Lord Jesus : He's my Shield, Strength and Good Shepherd.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Saturday, July 30, 2005
I'm touched!
Hallelujah!! I was so happy today that it's finally the last day in the old team and I'm embarking to a new job scope on Monday. I thank Daddy God for a good and smooth transition. Though I'm gonna miss my team-mates, I'm still looking forward to the new job. It will be effective on coming Monday.
However, this is not the only thing that I rejoice. Now I'm rejoicing that the Lord is definitely going to give me a breakthrough in my finances very soon. Today my pastor was praying over for someone in the overflow room who had a $50k debt will be set free and he also included people who are also in almost the same situation but of a lesser amount. Hallelujah! That means I'm included! Daddy God didn't leave me out!! He included me into the promises!! WHOPPIE!! I claimed it and told Daddy God that it's also for me! Yes! It's for me too!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
However, this is not the only thing that I rejoice. Now I'm rejoicing that the Lord is definitely going to give me a breakthrough in my finances very soon. Today my pastor was praying over for someone in the overflow room who had a $50k debt will be set free and he also included people who are also in almost the same situation but of a lesser amount. Hallelujah! That means I'm included! Daddy God didn't leave me out!! He included me into the promises!! WHOPPIE!! I claimed it and told Daddy God that it's also for me! Yes! It's for me too!!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Patience throughout..
Gosh.. been sitting in front of the pc for abt 5 mins trying to think of what to write in the blog. Nothing came out of my mind but quite blank. Anyway, the only thing I have to thank Daddy God for is the ultimate grace that I had a very peaceful day at work. The day is pretty slow moving and perhaps it's due to the fact that I'm moving on to my new team. I didn't "bite" my team leader and thanks to Daddy God for the peace. Well, I oso thank Daddy God for telling me gently to be more patient through many means. Well.. I can't do it without Daddy God's Wisdom and help. So, I rest in Him instead.
Nothing better to write, so shall write abt my day instead.. I had a meeting with my new team mates and was enjoying them around. I can sense some form of teamwork which is quite lacking in my current team. Well, I'm praying for my current teammates to be closer and it'll be a very fulfilling one to have a strong bond with each other.
In fact, I'm truly grateful to Daddy God for sending people in my life to be with me. So cute.. Today, somehow when I was talking to another colleague of mine about my ex-manager who is in Auckland now, I nearly wanted to cry again coz I seriously missed her so much.. Though it's only a phone call away to hear her voice, I still want to give her some of her own time. I totally respect her a lot especially for her perserverance and being so caring towards people. I pray for her salvation and her family too. I thank Daddy God so much for protecting her and I want to constantly sprinkle the blood of Jesus on her and her family. Likewise, I want to do for my own family too..
Well... Life still gotta continue. Anyway, I'll get to see her again next year when she comes back to Singapore. Ha!
Ok.. now I have a question in mind.. as far as i can remember, when Jesus was on this earth as a Man before He was cruxified and resurrected, does He still love the Pharisees, the Saducees, the Scribes, etc, as much as He loves the sinners? Well, the answer is yes! He had raised the girl who's dad is a Pharisee from the dead. Jesus knew how much the father loves his daughter very much that he wanted her to be well and alive (despite the fact that the father is a Pharisee). He still went on to raise the little girl from her sleep. Though Jesus had a problem with this group of law-keeping ppl and was angry with them, He will still continue to heal the loved ones of the these ppl. Amazing! His Love is not bounded by anything at all, not by rank, nor by race, nor even of the person's personality. Jesus' love was never stopped by any circumstances whatsoever.
Pretty interesting.. :D
Okie.. time to bunk in.. Snooze...
Nothing better to write, so shall write abt my day instead.. I had a meeting with my new team mates and was enjoying them around. I can sense some form of teamwork which is quite lacking in my current team. Well, I'm praying for my current teammates to be closer and it'll be a very fulfilling one to have a strong bond with each other.
In fact, I'm truly grateful to Daddy God for sending people in my life to be with me. So cute.. Today, somehow when I was talking to another colleague of mine about my ex-manager who is in Auckland now, I nearly wanted to cry again coz I seriously missed her so much.. Though it's only a phone call away to hear her voice, I still want to give her some of her own time. I totally respect her a lot especially for her perserverance and being so caring towards people. I pray for her salvation and her family too. I thank Daddy God so much for protecting her and I want to constantly sprinkle the blood of Jesus on her and her family. Likewise, I want to do for my own family too..
Well... Life still gotta continue. Anyway, I'll get to see her again next year when she comes back to Singapore. Ha!
Ok.. now I have a question in mind.. as far as i can remember, when Jesus was on this earth as a Man before He was cruxified and resurrected, does He still love the Pharisees, the Saducees, the Scribes, etc, as much as He loves the sinners? Well, the answer is yes! He had raised the girl who's dad is a Pharisee from the dead. Jesus knew how much the father loves his daughter very much that he wanted her to be well and alive (despite the fact that the father is a Pharisee). He still went on to raise the little girl from her sleep. Though Jesus had a problem with this group of law-keeping ppl and was angry with them, He will still continue to heal the loved ones of the these ppl. Amazing! His Love is not bounded by anything at all, not by rank, nor by race, nor even of the person's personality. Jesus' love was never stopped by any circumstances whatsoever.
Pretty interesting.. :D
Okie.. time to bunk in.. Snooze...
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Passion of Jesus
Matthew 15:32 - Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left to eat. I don't want to send them away hungry, or they will faint along the road."
This is how passionate Jesus is towards the people. Not to mention about how the people actually followed Him for 3 days. Jesus will still be passionate towards anyone coz He's always the caring Lord who takes care of His sheeps. He will always never let any of His sheeps to go hungry and ended up fainted somewhere.
I thank God for a shelter over my head, having home-cooked food, able to talk to my parents daily, providing me with the means to buy whatever I want, having close friends whom I can really pour out my sorrows, fears, and joy, and ultimately, Jesus Himself to be with me all the time.
Most of the mornings, my mom will always come into my room to tell me some of the previous day's events that I find that it's so funny at times.. I really have to depend on God's Wisdom to help me be more cool-temper in the morning, though I always have the tendency of "biting" ppl when they disturb me in my sleep.. hahaha.. Whatever it is, I always appreciate my mom. Though she can be irritating at time, I still love her very much. Coz there's no other moms who will do that to me!! hahaha.. :P
Daddy God, I thank You that You love me always, so that I can also love my parents. They really mean a lot to me everyday. Without them around, I find that life is really a blank.. Thank You Daddy God for protecting my family all the days of their lives.. Amen!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Relaxed Mode
Finally my biting days are over.. hahaha.. meaning I dun have to "bite" my team leader for her demands anymore.. Well.. hmm.. grace grace.. :P Anyway, I have no hard feelings for her actually. Juz being a disgruntled teammate that hates demanding requests that will cheese more people off. hahaha.. But I still thank Daddy God for an amazing day of peace at work and enjoyment with my other team mates.
Now I'm more in my R.O.D mode as I'm waiting my time to move over to my new dept, new team. I'm looking forward to a more challenging and newer job scope which I had wanted to go for. Furthermore, I'll be working very closely with my ex-boss again.
Well.. After months of "torture" in the current dept, it's really sweet to taste freedom again. Though people of the world will say that "Aiyah!! U go into another dept is also to clean other ppl's shit". Well.. They can say that but I know my Daddy God knows better. He'll definitely make other ppl clean the shit for me.. hahaha.. no pun intended.. Well, Jesus will be my Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. How can I not depend on Him to help me in my work?? No way.. I can't live without Jesus in my life. He's more important than anyone else.
Jesus has always been my Helper even when I did not commune with Him and each moment that I did not commune with Him, He will be missing me a lot lot more.. Amazing and my heart melts whenever I know that He misses talking to me. In fact, I miss talking to Him oso (though not all the time.. to be honest..) hee.. ** Sheepish grin **
Now I'm more in my R.O.D mode as I'm waiting my time to move over to my new dept, new team. I'm looking forward to a more challenging and newer job scope which I had wanted to go for. Furthermore, I'll be working very closely with my ex-boss again.
Well.. After months of "torture" in the current dept, it's really sweet to taste freedom again. Though people of the world will say that "Aiyah!! U go into another dept is also to clean other ppl's shit". Well.. They can say that but I know my Daddy God knows better. He'll definitely make other ppl clean the shit for me.. hahaha.. no pun intended.. Well, Jesus will be my Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. How can I not depend on Him to help me in my work?? No way.. I can't live without Jesus in my life. He's more important than anyone else.
Jesus has always been my Helper even when I did not commune with Him and each moment that I did not commune with Him, He will be missing me a lot lot more.. Amazing and my heart melts whenever I know that He misses talking to me. In fact, I miss talking to Him oso (though not all the time.. to be honest..) hee.. ** Sheepish grin **
Monday, July 25, 2005
Diet watching
Gosh.. Looks like got to watch my diet from now on.. No idea what sort of food that I'll have to take more. The only way is to ask Daddy God for guidance. Seemed that I've been taking bee-hoon almost every weekday morning and it's pretty unhealthy coz it's fried. However, I took quite a fair bit of vege during lunch which minus off the rice. And then indulge in home-cooked food which is ultimately tasty (depending on who cooks what..) Anyway, whatever it is, I still enjoy my food.
Thank God that I'm not like my Labbie.. Everyday feeds only on prawns (though it's a delicacy to humans.. haa..) Anyway, many people have been asking me whether I'll eat my Labbie after it dies. Hell no! Too precious to eat it. Anyway, the life span of this crayfish (actually Labbie is a crayfish coz lobsters cannot survive on fresh water), is 2 years. Gee.. Juz the same as my hamster.. However, I've heard that hamsters may be able to survive longer and there was a write-up by someone before. I pray that my hamster can live long enough, though it may be erhm.. well.. single.. no choice ah.. later come out too many babies, I pengz..
Thank God that I'm not like my Labbie.. Everyday feeds only on prawns (though it's a delicacy to humans.. haa..) Anyway, many people have been asking me whether I'll eat my Labbie after it dies. Hell no! Too precious to eat it. Anyway, the life span of this crayfish (actually Labbie is a crayfish coz lobsters cannot survive on fresh water), is 2 years. Gee.. Juz the same as my hamster.. However, I've heard that hamsters may be able to survive longer and there was a write-up by someone before. I pray that my hamster can live long enough, though it may be erhm.. well.. single.. no choice ah.. later come out too many babies, I pengz..
Burnt by own's fury
haha.. Is this going to be another day of frustration at work? I'm rejecting this statement in Jesus' Name. I'm still the Righteousness of God in Christ regardless of my actions, and behaviour. Well.. Got frustrated by someone again and kindda cannot wait to get out of this team which is only 4 more days.
Anyway, forget about that.. Yesterday, I was kindda puzzled over a few bible verses. Well, I still had a pretty interesting moment reading them. Juz kindda wondering how come in John 3:13 where Jesus said no man has ascended to Heaven... and yet in 2 Kings, Elijah actually ascended to Heaven on a whirlwind? So, what's the difference in these 2 ascensions?
If we put it in context of positional statement that Elijah was a prophet, so how come no other prophets were taken up to Heaven like Elijah? If there are, then the bible would have specially mentioned it. But the other prophets actually got martyred instead (not sure if all of them except Elijah - coz I still haven't finished reading the bible.. Good GRIEF! I can actually finish reading books after books of Harry Potter and yet not the bible.. Hee.. Anyway, there's no condemnation.. Harry Potter books got no significance to my life except the story line is very interesting. Well, still no condemnation coz Daddy God wants me to digest as much as possible with more revelational knowledge.)
So, can we actually put it in such context that Elijah was taken up to Heaven by God and no man was taken up to Heaven by God (meaning unless they are saved, they cannot ascend to Heaven yet until the death and resurrection of Jesus). And as we have known, Elijah is a picture of Jesus who also ascended to Heaven after days from His Resurrection. In this case, before the death and resurrection of Jesus, no body went up to Heaven at all. And, those people who died were juz "sleeping" until the day of ascension.
Or am I thinking nonsense again.. anyway, mind wanders around today. This morning was a pretty yucky morning. I believe my afternoon is going to be better and more peaceful coz I'm still in the favour of God.
Anyway, forget about that.. Yesterday, I was kindda puzzled over a few bible verses. Well, I still had a pretty interesting moment reading them. Juz kindda wondering how come in John 3:13 where Jesus said no man has ascended to Heaven... and yet in 2 Kings, Elijah actually ascended to Heaven on a whirlwind? So, what's the difference in these 2 ascensions?
If we put it in context of positional statement that Elijah was a prophet, so how come no other prophets were taken up to Heaven like Elijah? If there are, then the bible would have specially mentioned it. But the other prophets actually got martyred instead (not sure if all of them except Elijah - coz I still haven't finished reading the bible.. Good GRIEF! I can actually finish reading books after books of Harry Potter and yet not the bible.. Hee.. Anyway, there's no condemnation.. Harry Potter books got no significance to my life except the story line is very interesting. Well, still no condemnation coz Daddy God wants me to digest as much as possible with more revelational knowledge.)
So, can we actually put it in such context that Elijah was taken up to Heaven by God and no man was taken up to Heaven by God (meaning unless they are saved, they cannot ascend to Heaven yet until the death and resurrection of Jesus). And as we have known, Elijah is a picture of Jesus who also ascended to Heaven after days from His Resurrection. In this case, before the death and resurrection of Jesus, no body went up to Heaven at all. And, those people who died were juz "sleeping" until the day of ascension.
Or am I thinking nonsense again.. anyway, mind wanders around today. This morning was a pretty yucky morning. I believe my afternoon is going to be better and more peaceful coz I'm still in the favour of God.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Wonderful Jesus, Wonderful Cross, Perfect Sacrifice
Many times in my life, I used to think how to have a life that's peaceful and joyful? Well, the answer is right in front of me and that's Jesus. He is my All in all. Everything that I need is all in Him. I had a very peaceful and joyful day. It all started from the morning. Normally, I don't have the habit of reading the bible in the morning when I wake up and it's the same this morning. However, I din let that bother me coz Jesus is still within me in my heart.
After settling all my stuffs in the morning, I headed for church alone as my mom had already made her way for church. :P (Kindda lazy to get out of the house too early.. though it's already 10am. Initially, I didn't really want to go to church coz of wanting to laze at home. But thank God, He gave me the urge to go. hee..) Anyway, I took my own sweet time, strolled down to the bus stop. The bus came a few minutes later. When I reached my destination at the MRT station, the NEL train came within 2 mins. Thank God for the empty seats during that timing and I can at least sit down to open up the bible to read. So, I happen to flip to John 4 where the bible was talking about the Samaritan woman meeting her Messiah. I was totally engrossed in the passage and was sorta imagining the scene where Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman and how He was so energetic after ministering to the lady.
Somehow, I started to imagine how Jesus became so energetic when He started to minister to me in my life and questions that I had posed to Him. It was fun visualising it. Well, my visualising ended after a short moment as I've reached my destination. When I got out of the train, I was so blessed. I didn't know that it was pouring outside and I hadn't brought my umbrella. I didn't have to worry about getting wet as my entire journey was sheltered until to the church. Now it came to my remembrance how Daddy God will hide me under His Wings to protect me from harm. It's really amazing that He showed me how much He loved me.
During the Hokkien service, Pastor Mark mentioned the 7 times when Jesus' Blood was shed at different times. It's interesting!!
1. When He was praying in the Garden of Gethsamene, His Blood mingled with sweat and dropped to the ground.
2. During the time when He was sent for scourging, His back was scourged to the extent that no flesh was left on His Body.
3. Before He was carrying His Cross to Golgatha, His Head was thrusted with a crown of thorns.
4. When He reached Golgatha, His Left Hand was nailed.
5. His Right Hand was nailed next.
6. Both of His Feet were nailed to the cross.
7. Lastly, after He died, the soldier pierced His Side.
It was a perfect sacrifice that He had done and the perfectness of the judgement and punishments were upon Him who willingly took them for us. We actually deserved to be hung on the cross but He took our place. He became our scapegoat. Sin that He did not commit, sin that He did not know of any.. A Lamb that was sacrificed for my sake. Oh boy.. Where on earth or universe will a God sacrifice Himself so willingly for me?? Only Jesus! All because He loves me too much that He rather suffer them for me so that I don't have to go through all these..
After the Hokkien Service, my mom and I continued on to the 4th English service. My pastor started to preach and it's about "Abundance of Grace + Gift of Righteousness = Reigning in life". It's amazing that we, as believers in Christ, have the abundance of grace and also have the Gift of Righteousness which means that we will reign in life. So, we have to always keep telling ourselves that we are still the Righteousness of God in Christ, not by our actions or obedience, but by our Lord Jesus who is our Obedience. He had fulfilled all the 10 commandments, the laws so that we will not be bound by the law anymore.
It's His amazing grace that saved us from the condemnation of the accuser. Like what Paul says it is the condemnation that kills. The accuser will accuse and condemn until the person dies.. To combat it, keep confessing the Word of God that I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ, not by my actions..
okie.. time to bunk unto the bed.. it's late and looking forward to a brand new day!! Amen!!
After settling all my stuffs in the morning, I headed for church alone as my mom had already made her way for church. :P (Kindda lazy to get out of the house too early.. though it's already 10am. Initially, I didn't really want to go to church coz of wanting to laze at home. But thank God, He gave me the urge to go. hee..) Anyway, I took my own sweet time, strolled down to the bus stop. The bus came a few minutes later. When I reached my destination at the MRT station, the NEL train came within 2 mins. Thank God for the empty seats during that timing and I can at least sit down to open up the bible to read. So, I happen to flip to John 4 where the bible was talking about the Samaritan woman meeting her Messiah. I was totally engrossed in the passage and was sorta imagining the scene where Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman and how He was so energetic after ministering to the lady.
Somehow, I started to imagine how Jesus became so energetic when He started to minister to me in my life and questions that I had posed to Him. It was fun visualising it. Well, my visualising ended after a short moment as I've reached my destination. When I got out of the train, I was so blessed. I didn't know that it was pouring outside and I hadn't brought my umbrella. I didn't have to worry about getting wet as my entire journey was sheltered until to the church. Now it came to my remembrance how Daddy God will hide me under His Wings to protect me from harm. It's really amazing that He showed me how much He loved me.
During the Hokkien service, Pastor Mark mentioned the 7 times when Jesus' Blood was shed at different times. It's interesting!!
1. When He was praying in the Garden of Gethsamene, His Blood mingled with sweat and dropped to the ground.
2. During the time when He was sent for scourging, His back was scourged to the extent that no flesh was left on His Body.
3. Before He was carrying His Cross to Golgatha, His Head was thrusted with a crown of thorns.
4. When He reached Golgatha, His Left Hand was nailed.
5. His Right Hand was nailed next.
6. Both of His Feet were nailed to the cross.
7. Lastly, after He died, the soldier pierced His Side.
It was a perfect sacrifice that He had done and the perfectness of the judgement and punishments were upon Him who willingly took them for us. We actually deserved to be hung on the cross but He took our place. He became our scapegoat. Sin that He did not commit, sin that He did not know of any.. A Lamb that was sacrificed for my sake. Oh boy.. Where on earth or universe will a God sacrifice Himself so willingly for me?? Only Jesus! All because He loves me too much that He rather suffer them for me so that I don't have to go through all these..
After the Hokkien Service, my mom and I continued on to the 4th English service. My pastor started to preach and it's about "Abundance of Grace + Gift of Righteousness = Reigning in life". It's amazing that we, as believers in Christ, have the abundance of grace and also have the Gift of Righteousness which means that we will reign in life. So, we have to always keep telling ourselves that we are still the Righteousness of God in Christ, not by our actions or obedience, but by our Lord Jesus who is our Obedience. He had fulfilled all the 10 commandments, the laws so that we will not be bound by the law anymore.
It's His amazing grace that saved us from the condemnation of the accuser. Like what Paul says it is the condemnation that kills. The accuser will accuse and condemn until the person dies.. To combat it, keep confessing the Word of God that I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ, not by my actions..
okie.. time to bunk unto the bed.. it's late and looking forward to a brand new day!! Amen!!
Melancholy or Merry?
To be melancholy or to be merry.. A choice that I always have to make. Whenever I can, I will definitely choose merry. Coz that's the only thing that a true born-again Christian should have. There are so many lessons in life that we can learn. Through all these learning, and if our eyes were fixed on the One who saves (ie Jesus), life will definitely be sweet even if it's bitter. However, if our eyes were fixed on our own problems and having to allow constant reminders of our own problems from ppl, life will end up nothing coz the Light wasn't able to penetrate through the problems that are very bleak and dark.
Whatever it is, I just have to let Daddy God mend my heart. Only His Love can mend the wounds that I was afflicted with. Jesus was afflicted on the cross for my sake. Nothing can take away the love He had shown upon me. Thank You Jesus for being so alive in my heart. Since He has conquered death, so have I conquered death in Christ. He is my Everything, my Jehovah Jireh, that is my Provider.
Whatever it is, I just have to let Daddy God mend my heart. Only His Love can mend the wounds that I was afflicted with. Jesus was afflicted on the cross for my sake. Nothing can take away the love He had shown upon me. Thank You Jesus for being so alive in my heart. Since He has conquered death, so have I conquered death in Christ. He is my Everything, my Jehovah Jireh, that is my Provider.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Breezy Morning
It's still morning now and the wind in my room is pretty strong.. It's a moment of enjoying the wind flowing past my cheeks.. ehh.. though the sky looks a bit black.. hahaha. taking this time to pen down a few thoughts or so.. I'm glad for the past few days that my friends are having lotsa revelational knowledge from Daddy God. I've been ministered to by them and it's refreshing to listen to a new perspective of the bible verses.
I remembered Jou mentioned that @ the Mount of Tranfiguration, there were two persons with Jesus.. One is Moses and the other is Elijah. Moses is a deliverer and Elijah was taken up to Heaven on a chariot of fire.. Combining both of them together, it's the picture of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen, Jou!! Jesus is a deliverer and He ascended up to Heaven on a cloud..
Ok.. now meet my new member! Starie! My new baby star.. She may look a bit sleepy but very friendly.. Her smile is always there to brighten ur night.. :D

Starry Starry Morn! Starine! (that's Evelyn's Star's name) Meet Starie!
I remembered Jou mentioned that @ the Mount of Tranfiguration, there were two persons with Jesus.. One is Moses and the other is Elijah. Moses is a deliverer and Elijah was taken up to Heaven on a chariot of fire.. Combining both of them together, it's the picture of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen, Jou!! Jesus is a deliverer and He ascended up to Heaven on a cloud..
Ok.. now meet my new member! Starie! My new baby star.. She may look a bit sleepy but very friendly.. Her smile is always there to brighten ur night.. :D

Starry Starry Morn! Starine! (that's Evelyn's Star's name) Meet Starie!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
A monster Lobster
Answered Prayer
I'm gonna dance liao!! My prayer for focusing on projects had been answered!! I just had my 1st meeting with my new team and I was enjoying the entire session. It was so interesting. And the best part of it all, my new boss mentioned that our team will be focusing more on projects, rather than system support. It's totally awesome!! Coz that means we don't have to be on 24x7 support anymore. It will be totally outsourced to another company to handle the daily problem reporting. WOO HOO!!! Then our main priority will be in projects!! Hallelujah!! That's something wonderful and I had been praying for this! Daddy God has answered my prayer!!! WOO HOO!!! ** leaping for joy **
At least now, I'm able to make use of the knowledge that I've gained when I did my degree course. This is definitely a major leap for me in terms of my job scope and career. I remembered recently that my heart has been telling me that when I get into the new team, my job level will be like an Assistant Manager level and no longer being a Senior Officer level. Wow!! When my new boss mentioned it, I literally lit up like a shining light bulb. He was sorta finds it a bit funny anyway.. hahaha.. but I dun care!! At least, it's going to be a totally new thing for me to explore. A new challenge and new things to learn!!
WHOOPIEE!!! Daddy God is ultimate Daddy!! Yippie!!
At least now, I'm able to make use of the knowledge that I've gained when I did my degree course. This is definitely a major leap for me in terms of my job scope and career. I remembered recently that my heart has been telling me that when I get into the new team, my job level will be like an Assistant Manager level and no longer being a Senior Officer level. Wow!! When my new boss mentioned it, I literally lit up like a shining light bulb. He was sorta finds it a bit funny anyway.. hahaha.. but I dun care!! At least, it's going to be a totally new thing for me to explore. A new challenge and new things to learn!!
WHOOPIEE!!! Daddy God is ultimate Daddy!! Yippie!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Thinking Thoughts
Days of peace and joy can only be given by Daddy God and I'm blessed today with peace and joy in my heart. My heart was so relaxed during office hour as most of my tasks had been completed. The only things left for me to do for the next few days are handing over, packing my stuffs and moving them to my new desk.
However, the best of all, Daddy God gave me a very pleasant gift. My ex-boss is going to be my main user whom I'll be liaising with when I go to my new team on August 1st. If I have the chance to work under him again, I guess I won't want to let that opportunity go coz ultimately he is one of my best boss I've ever worked for. Probably, I should be more open to my new boss but I won't know what's gonna happen. So, I'll let Daddy God help me in this.
Fear had been setting into me lately and there were so many negative reports regarding the new dept that I'm going in. Anyway, I'm not going to give in to the fear. For it is written,
Anyway, I pray that I can also have more opportunities to travel overseas for work when I'm in the new team. That will expose me to a better and higher ground and it's going to benefit me a lot more.
Right now, it's like a toddler trying to take its first steps. My learning curve will shoot up real high and I see this as an ultimate challenge, for I know that Jesus is my Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. He's gonna be right at my side to give me the understanding that I need. Daddy God, I'm leaning on You this time.
Some of my colleagues warned me about my bonus that will be affected next year. I'm not going to care about it anymore coz it's not my efforts to get the performance bonus. It's God's blessings that my bonus comes. I thank Daddy God that He will work all things out for good.
Praise the Lord for His Goodness and Faithfulness. His Everlasting Kindness endures forever and He dwells in me.
Hmm.. now I came upon this verse..
This sounds very familiar.. "The One who dwells between the cherubim.." Isn't that Jesus?? He's dwelling right between the 2 cherubims on the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies?? Interesting enuf..
However, the best of all, Daddy God gave me a very pleasant gift. My ex-boss is going to be my main user whom I'll be liaising with when I go to my new team on August 1st. If I have the chance to work under him again, I guess I won't want to let that opportunity go coz ultimately he is one of my best boss I've ever worked for. Probably, I should be more open to my new boss but I won't know what's gonna happen. So, I'll let Daddy God help me in this.
Fear had been setting into me lately and there were so many negative reports regarding the new dept that I'm going in. Anyway, I'm not going to give in to the fear. For it is written,
For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind."
Anyway, I pray that I can also have more opportunities to travel overseas for work when I'm in the new team. That will expose me to a better and higher ground and it's going to benefit me a lot more.
Right now, it's like a toddler trying to take its first steps. My learning curve will shoot up real high and I see this as an ultimate challenge, for I know that Jesus is my Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. He's gonna be right at my side to give me the understanding that I need. Daddy God, I'm leaning on You this time.
Some of my colleagues warned me about my bonus that will be affected next year. I'm not going to care about it anymore coz it's not my efforts to get the performance bonus. It's God's blessings that my bonus comes. I thank Daddy God that He will work all things out for good.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
Praise the Lord for His Goodness and Faithfulness. His Everlasting Kindness endures forever and He dwells in me.
Romans 8:11 - But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
Hmm.. now I came upon this verse..
Isaiah 37:16 - "O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, the One who dwells between the cherubim, You are God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.
This sounds very familiar.. "The One who dwells between the cherubim.." Isn't that Jesus?? He's dwelling right between the 2 cherubims on the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies?? Interesting enuf..
My Pet Lobster
Now let me introduce my pet Lobster "Labbie"! Dun know whether it's a male or a female.. Anyway, it doesn't matter..
Hiding behind the filter
Searching for food
Labbie The Sleeping "Beauty"
Sun Tanning
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Adopted Fetuses
Hey.. take a look @ these fetuses. Very cute..
These are my adopted fetuses from Fetusmart..
There's no pun intended for this adoption of the Jesus fetus. Anyway, it looks more of an angelic fetus rather.. :D
Pretty cute giraffe fetus. I like its spots that makes this creature very unique on its own.
This fetus had too much chocolates on Easter Day, I guess..
Uniquely defined black spots that makes a cow looks interesting enuf..
Ha! Any one wants a poison fetus?? Pretty cute actually.. :P
Cute eh?
These are my adopted fetuses from Fetusmart..
There's no pun intended for this adoption of the Jesus fetus. Anyway, it looks more of an angelic fetus rather.. :D
Pretty cute giraffe fetus. I like its spots that makes this creature very unique on its own.
This fetus had too much chocolates on Easter Day, I guess..
Uniquely defined black spots that makes a cow looks interesting enuf..
Ha! Any one wants a poison fetus?? Pretty cute actually.. :P
Cute eh?
WOOO HOOO!!! I was so elated! When I got home in the afternoon yesterday, my mom told me that my sis-in-law agreed to go for our church's Mid-Autumn Festival celebration. And the best part of it is that she also agreed to pull her own mom and sis along to church. WOW WOW!! Amazing!!! This is the best time to spread the good Gospel to them. I'm praying that my dad will also come along. Let the Lord be the One to touch his heart to come along.. kekeke..
Anyway, I remembered our dear Alpha leader Irene mentioned that we may even be serving on that day! I was praying that we can get to serve!!! Hee!! :P
Well.. Now it's 3plus am and I'm still beary alert. Though there's no-one in the office, I'm able to have the peace to do my work, enjoy the music and peep a little into my bible.. HEE!

I remembered Acts 28 when Apostle Paul was on his journey to Rome, there was a shipwreck on Malta. So, unable to continue to Rome at that moment, Paul started to minister to the people on this island.
Prior to that, while Paul was gathering the wood for fire, a viper came out and fastened onto his hand.. (Imagine a snake dangling from his hand.. Looks kindda funny..) :P Interestingly, the natives actually said that "No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he has escaped the sea, yet justice does not allow to live." They were also expecting him to swell up or suddenly fall down dead but looked at him for a very long time.... blah blah blah (looks like their eyes oso going to pop out.. hahaha..)
ok.. This one however tells me something also, that Paul is in Christ. So, it sorta comes into my mind that hey.. we are also in Christ. If nothing happens to Paul after getting bitten by the viper, the venom cannot harm us in any ways. Christ is in us and we are in Christ. In this sense, Christ's Blood is running inside of us. As our body is also the Temple of God and no harmful elements can actually survive within.
Now it brings to my remembrance that Pastor Prince did preached about some deadly viruses that were spreading like wild fire in some countries and the viruses did not survive on the skin of an evangelist who also understood the Grace message and he was also ministering to the sick people who had the viruses.
Isaiah 58:8 - 9 "Then your light shall break forth like the morning. Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am'.....
AAAHHHHH!!!! This one really touches my heart.. I don't have to do anything to have that mentioned above coz Jesus had already done all that is needed. Jesus is my Righteousness, not by my behavior, nor my words, nor my actions.. Whenever I call upon the Lord, He will answer and whenever I cry out for Him, He will always say 'Here I am'. Oh man! Oh Lord my God!! Lord Jesus! Whenever I cry out to You, You never fail to say 'Here I am, my child'. Sobz Sobz (with joy!)
Anyway, I remembered our dear Alpha leader Irene mentioned that we may even be serving on that day! I was praying that we can get to serve!!! Hee!! :P
Well.. Now it's 3plus am and I'm still beary alert. Though there's no-one in the office, I'm able to have the peace to do my work, enjoy the music and peep a little into my bible.. HEE!
I remembered Acts 28 when Apostle Paul was on his journey to Rome, there was a shipwreck on Malta. So, unable to continue to Rome at that moment, Paul started to minister to the people on this island.
Prior to that, while Paul was gathering the wood for fire, a viper came out and fastened onto his hand.. (Imagine a snake dangling from his hand.. Looks kindda funny..) :P Interestingly, the natives actually said that "No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he has escaped the sea, yet justice does not allow to live." They were also expecting him to swell up or suddenly fall down dead but looked at him for a very long time.... blah blah blah (looks like their eyes oso going to pop out.. hahaha..)
ok.. This one however tells me something also, that Paul is in Christ. So, it sorta comes into my mind that hey.. we are also in Christ. If nothing happens to Paul after getting bitten by the viper, the venom cannot harm us in any ways. Christ is in us and we are in Christ. In this sense, Christ's Blood is running inside of us. As our body is also the Temple of God and no harmful elements can actually survive within.
Now it brings to my remembrance that Pastor Prince did preached about some deadly viruses that were spreading like wild fire in some countries and the viruses did not survive on the skin of an evangelist who also understood the Grace message and he was also ministering to the sick people who had the viruses.
Isaiah 58:8 - 9 "Then your light shall break forth like the morning. Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am'.....
AAAHHHHH!!!! This one really touches my heart.. I don't have to do anything to have that mentioned above coz Jesus had already done all that is needed. Jesus is my Righteousness, not by my behavior, nor my words, nor my actions.. Whenever I call upon the Lord, He will answer and whenever I cry out for Him, He will always say 'Here I am'. Oh man! Oh Lord my God!! Lord Jesus! Whenever I cry out to You, You never fail to say 'Here I am, my child'. Sobz Sobz (with joy!)
Monday, July 18, 2005
Magnificent Grace
Praise be to our Daddy God forever! It's right early in the morning and now I can take this short little time to write my blog in the office. Ha! Well, I thank Daddy God for the smooth transition of the system implementation of the new changes which has financial impact.
I thank Daddy God also for the Strength that He had graciously provided me with plenty that I was able to serve yesterday with full enthusiasm. It was simply awesome about the way that Daddy God works. I was actually having a very bad headache due to the late night support in the office since Saturday morning. Right before our time to serve during the 3rd and 4th Sunday Services, the Holy Spirit touched my heart to pray in tongues. So, I prayed in tongues during the worship time in our team briefing session. The headache still didn't totally eased but got much better.
However, I just claimed on the Word of God that by His Stripes I'm healed! And I went to my usher team-mates and told them that my energy is back for serving!! Amen! Well, the next thing to do is to take the Holy Communion and that is to make me remember what Jesus had paid for me on the cross. Surely He had bore my sicknesses on the cross and therefore, my headache should be off my head. I took the Holy Communion during the 3rd Service. I was so happy and the headache just simply went off!! Praise be to God for His Healing! I continued to take the Holy Communion again on the 4th Service and that is to remember His Love for me that He Himself bore all sicknesses and diseases for me on the cross.
Well, again.. Thanking Daddy God for the strength to allow me to keep awake the entire night to do the system checks and also for a very smooth transition.
Okie dokie.. Will update further later in the day (if I'm still awake).. :P
I thank Daddy God also for the Strength that He had graciously provided me with plenty that I was able to serve yesterday with full enthusiasm. It was simply awesome about the way that Daddy God works. I was actually having a very bad headache due to the late night support in the office since Saturday morning. Right before our time to serve during the 3rd and 4th Sunday Services, the Holy Spirit touched my heart to pray in tongues. So, I prayed in tongues during the worship time in our team briefing session. The headache still didn't totally eased but got much better.
However, I just claimed on the Word of God that by His Stripes I'm healed! And I went to my usher team-mates and told them that my energy is back for serving!! Amen! Well, the next thing to do is to take the Holy Communion and that is to make me remember what Jesus had paid for me on the cross. Surely He had bore my sicknesses on the cross and therefore, my headache should be off my head. I took the Holy Communion during the 3rd Service. I was so happy and the headache just simply went off!! Praise be to God for His Healing! I continued to take the Holy Communion again on the 4th Service and that is to remember His Love for me that He Himself bore all sicknesses and diseases for me on the cross.
Well, again.. Thanking Daddy God for the strength to allow me to keep awake the entire night to do the system checks and also for a very smooth transition.
Okie dokie.. Will update further later in the day (if I'm still awake).. :P
Friday, July 15, 2005
Ultimate Grace
The joy of the Lord is my strength. This is a verse that people have always been telling me that "the joy of the Lord is my strength" and it is a verse in which I can hardly understand earlier. I guess the Holy Spirit just prompted me this when I was resting and also right after my bible study in church. When I'm focused in the Lord, there's an ultimate grace from Daddy God that my heart feels at peace and be joyful.
This verse "The joy of the Lord is my strength." kept ringing inside my head. When I break the verse into portions, it's telling me that dwelling in the Lord and knowing of His Promises for me bring forth the joy in my heart and it's drawing me closer to Him alone. His Words, His Promises and His Answers to my prayers are far better than material gains that the world is trying to achieve. By knowing that I'm still the Righteousness of God in Christ alone and confessing this all the time, all things will start to chase after me and not the other way round. This is what I've learned during bible study today is to seek first His Righteousness and all things will come. I don't have to keep confessing for those material gains. They will just come! Just keep confessing that I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ!
Now this brings the joy inside my heart and that gives me the strength. Not that I'm going after the material gains. Daddy God knows what I need and what I want. Anyway, now i understood what the verse really means. When I start to concentrate on Jesus being my Righteousness and I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ, all good things like prosperity, health, wholeness, etc will start to come into my life. Jesus is the joy that this verse is talking about. Also, the joy of knowing brings strength and all these actually come from the Lord. These are the joys that the verse is trying to say. Getting that joy after listening and knowing what the Lord has in store for me, really strengthens me in many areas like strength in faith, physically, emotionally and mentally. "Can't really explain totally in words"
I used to think "the joy of the Lord.." yah.. In literal sense, the Lord is joyful but how can He be the One being joyful (but not me) and yet He can become my strength when I'm not joyful in my heart!?!? Something doesn't seem to click right and I asked the Lord to explain to me. Now I start to understand and thought it will be good to pen it down somewhere, some place..
okie.. time to snooze.. But before that, I thank Daddy God for His Ultimate Grace. I had a pretty hard day at work trying to resolve problems caused by others and entertaining to a loadful of queries from so many colleagues. Gosh.. All these really wears me down and initially I was thinking of not coming for bible study. Almost at the end of the day when I was packing to leave, I was held back by my colleagues from another department to assist in co-ordinating of some issues. I was the only one left from my team in the office who can help in the co-ordinating. I was kindda very reluctant coz I want to run off for bible study.
Well, I got a little grouchy but hid my grouchy voice and stayed on to help. At the same time, I told the Lord that even if I'm going to end my work at 7.30pm, I'm going to take a cab and rush to church by 8pm to receive His Words. I told the Lord that I don't want to stay on any later than 7.15pm actually. Well, I made the last call to my colleague and amazingly, he told me that they will settle the rest of the issue on Friday instead. I was so happy and then immediately switched off my pc and ran out of the building to catch a cab.
During my journey from Tampines to Suntec, I was sorta grumbling and kept wondering how come today seemed to be a day of fire-fighting in the office. Was totally drained out physically and mentally. Frankly, my mood got the better of me, I started to think of bad thoughts of Daddy God and asked Him how come He didn't stop those problems from happening since I've already made my prayers in the morning!?!?! Thank God that the Holy Spirit actually prompted to me in my heart saying that it's not Daddy God and I remembered.. oh yah.. it's the stupid devil that's putting up all the little fires so that I will be totally drained by trying to put out the fires, and will not go for bs to receive the Words that Daddy God had in store for me. Praise be to Daddy God that He gave me the strength to head on to church regardless on my physical state. I've received the Word that Daddy God had also been telling me during the past few days.
Now after all the receiving of the Word, my heart was at peace and joyful. It was then that I started to understand "The joy of the Lord is my Strength." Thank you Daddy God. I love you, not because I can love you. It's because You first love me so that I can love you back. Thank you Daddy God.. I thank You also that I will receive more revelational knowledge and to have that revelational wisdom, plus wisdom at work and daily life decisions. Jesus is my Wisdom, my Knowledge, my Prosperity, my Health and my Everything! Amen..
This verse "The joy of the Lord is my strength." kept ringing inside my head. When I break the verse into portions, it's telling me that dwelling in the Lord and knowing of His Promises for me bring forth the joy in my heart and it's drawing me closer to Him alone. His Words, His Promises and His Answers to my prayers are far better than material gains that the world is trying to achieve. By knowing that I'm still the Righteousness of God in Christ alone and confessing this all the time, all things will start to chase after me and not the other way round. This is what I've learned during bible study today is to seek first His Righteousness and all things will come. I don't have to keep confessing for those material gains. They will just come! Just keep confessing that I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ!
Now this brings the joy inside my heart and that gives me the strength. Not that I'm going after the material gains. Daddy God knows what I need and what I want. Anyway, now i understood what the verse really means. When I start to concentrate on Jesus being my Righteousness and I'm the Righteousness of God in Christ, all good things like prosperity, health, wholeness, etc will start to come into my life. Jesus is the joy that this verse is talking about. Also, the joy of knowing brings strength and all these actually come from the Lord. These are the joys that the verse is trying to say. Getting that joy after listening and knowing what the Lord has in store for me, really strengthens me in many areas like strength in faith, physically, emotionally and mentally. "Can't really explain totally in words"
I used to think "the joy of the Lord.." yah.. In literal sense, the Lord is joyful but how can He be the One being joyful (but not me) and yet He can become my strength when I'm not joyful in my heart!?!? Something doesn't seem to click right and I asked the Lord to explain to me. Now I start to understand and thought it will be good to pen it down somewhere, some place..
okie.. time to snooze.. But before that, I thank Daddy God for His Ultimate Grace. I had a pretty hard day at work trying to resolve problems caused by others and entertaining to a loadful of queries from so many colleagues. Gosh.. All these really wears me down and initially I was thinking of not coming for bible study. Almost at the end of the day when I was packing to leave, I was held back by my colleagues from another department to assist in co-ordinating of some issues. I was the only one left from my team in the office who can help in the co-ordinating. I was kindda very reluctant coz I want to run off for bible study.
Well, I got a little grouchy but hid my grouchy voice and stayed on to help. At the same time, I told the Lord that even if I'm going to end my work at 7.30pm, I'm going to take a cab and rush to church by 8pm to receive His Words. I told the Lord that I don't want to stay on any later than 7.15pm actually. Well, I made the last call to my colleague and amazingly, he told me that they will settle the rest of the issue on Friday instead. I was so happy and then immediately switched off my pc and ran out of the building to catch a cab.
During my journey from Tampines to Suntec, I was sorta grumbling and kept wondering how come today seemed to be a day of fire-fighting in the office. Was totally drained out physically and mentally. Frankly, my mood got the better of me, I started to think of bad thoughts of Daddy God and asked Him how come He didn't stop those problems from happening since I've already made my prayers in the morning!?!?! Thank God that the Holy Spirit actually prompted to me in my heart saying that it's not Daddy God and I remembered.. oh yah.. it's the stupid devil that's putting up all the little fires so that I will be totally drained by trying to put out the fires, and will not go for bs to receive the Words that Daddy God had in store for me. Praise be to Daddy God that He gave me the strength to head on to church regardless on my physical state. I've received the Word that Daddy God had also been telling me during the past few days.
Now after all the receiving of the Word, my heart was at peace and joyful. It was then that I started to understand "The joy of the Lord is my Strength." Thank you Daddy God. I love you, not because I can love you. It's because You first love me so that I can love you back. Thank you Daddy God.. I thank You also that I will receive more revelational knowledge and to have that revelational wisdom, plus wisdom at work and daily life decisions. Jesus is my Wisdom, my Knowledge, my Prosperity, my Health and my Everything! Amen..
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Amazing Grace
Galatians 2:16 - Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
Guess what? There's only 1 book that existed on this earth which doesn't condemn and charge people of plagarism or even of copyrights law. Hee.. That's our Daddy God's Book! The Holy Bible!!! :P
We can use His Words at any where, any time. We will not be charged for infringement of copyrights, and we can quote directly from the bible without having the feeling of condemnation. It brings forth life to people who seek in it for the Words of Truth. Amazing, huh?
That's our Daddy God who loves us and allowed us to use His Words to minister to people as much as possible. His Love never fails to people who believed in Him who died in our place and was resurrected for our justification. Who is He? Jesus!!
Anyway, I haven't got the slightest idea what I want to pen down but juz jotting out some words.. Afterall, nothing to lose.. What is shame compared to His Love? What is "getting frustrated with a team leader who knows how to "condemn" and blame other people for lousy maintenance of the system in which she doesn't even understand that there are systems that have to be maintained in certain manner" compared to His Love?
What am I searching for?? What do I want in my life?? What are the things that can bring happiness and contentment to my heart? Only Jesus can fulfil the missing links in my life. Anyway, I don't quite bother what, how, and why I live on this earth for. Everyday is just another day of His Grace and Love that I live to watch and do nothing. Am I just too focused in getting frustrated over that person who frustrates me everyday? I gotta set my mind focus on Jesus instead of that woman.
Anyway, juz penning down my 2 cents worth of words..
Guess what? There's only 1 book that existed on this earth which doesn't condemn and charge people of plagarism or even of copyrights law. Hee.. That's our Daddy God's Book! The Holy Bible!!! :P
We can use His Words at any where, any time. We will not be charged for infringement of copyrights, and we can quote directly from the bible without having the feeling of condemnation. It brings forth life to people who seek in it for the Words of Truth. Amazing, huh?
That's our Daddy God who loves us and allowed us to use His Words to minister to people as much as possible. His Love never fails to people who believed in Him who died in our place and was resurrected for our justification. Who is He? Jesus!!
Anyway, I haven't got the slightest idea what I want to pen down but juz jotting out some words.. Afterall, nothing to lose.. What is shame compared to His Love? What is "getting frustrated with a team leader who knows how to "condemn" and blame other people for lousy maintenance of the system in which she doesn't even understand that there are systems that have to be maintained in certain manner" compared to His Love?
What am I searching for?? What do I want in my life?? What are the things that can bring happiness and contentment to my heart? Only Jesus can fulfil the missing links in my life. Anyway, I don't quite bother what, how, and why I live on this earth for. Everyday is just another day of His Grace and Love that I live to watch and do nothing. Am I just too focused in getting frustrated over that person who frustrates me everyday? I gotta set my mind focus on Jesus instead of that woman.
Anyway, juz penning down my 2 cents worth of words..
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Complete rest
Alas! Time for a complete rest in bed.. Either I'm too fed up with my office work or just simply too fed up with life. So, caught the flu bug and eventually, took an mc to rest. Anyway, it's not about life that I'm too fed up.. Just being annoyed and tired with work, that's all. Nevertheless, Daddy God has been gracious to keep me going. Waking up every morning is considered a blessing. However, what to expect of the day, really gotta depend on our Abba Father.
Praise be to God for His faithfulness and love that He has never failed to supply. His Grace is always more than sufficient. I thank Daddy God for a person who wrote this comment "Jesus DID die for you but where in the Bible do you see him promising you lots of money? Who in the Bible became RICH by following God? Was Jesus a rich man?"
It really brings me even closer to Daddy God by knowing how much more He loved me and how the verses start to come forth to allow me to realise that my Creator Jesus is the richest of all. My heart started to burn up when the Holy Spirit began to tell me how Jesus had turn water (which is quite tasteless) into the best wine on earth. Wine speaks of wealth in the household. Wealthy families are able to afford the best wine. Anyway, I remember having to taste the best wine from Germany which is so smooth and fragrant.
In this context, water seems to signify a very plain and simple life while wine signifies the best of all things on earth with a truly awesome taste and texture. Life is actually like wine. It's full of taste and texture. The longer you let the wine stays in the wooden barrel for fermentation and preservation, the fragrant the wine can get. Likewise, the longer we allow ourselves to indulge in the living Word of God, the better the life is.
Praise be to Daddy God! Life without Jesus is definitely a drag and pain. With Jesus, He dwells inside me. Wherever I go, I know He's always with me. Whenever I'm down, He's always there to lift my heart with joy and gladness and most importantly, the peace within. Whenever I face a challenge, He's always there to carry me on His Shoulders. His Hands are indeed bigger than mine. My hands are too small to hold anything. Only His Hands are greater and stronger.
Well, I'm going to have a complete rest at home. Though I have my dreaded flu, I won't complain coz I rather stay home to rest than to go back office to work. Anyway, I'm still the righteousness of God in Christ. Not by my efforts and behavior, I still have my right standing with God through my Lord Jesus. This is my birth right and I will not want to be like Jacob's brother Esau who sold his birth rights to Jacob. Selling his birth rights is equivalent to renouncing his relationship with Jesus. Once bought by the blood of Jesus, nothing can take me away from Him. Nothing on this earth can undo what Daddy God had already done for us, that is, to purchase us with the blood of His Beloved Son, Jesus.
Praise be to God for His faithfulness and love that He has never failed to supply. His Grace is always more than sufficient. I thank Daddy God for a person who wrote this comment "Jesus DID die for you but where in the Bible do you see him promising you lots of money? Who in the Bible became RICH by following God? Was Jesus a rich man?"
It really brings me even closer to Daddy God by knowing how much more He loved me and how the verses start to come forth to allow me to realise that my Creator Jesus is the richest of all. My heart started to burn up when the Holy Spirit began to tell me how Jesus had turn water (which is quite tasteless) into the best wine on earth. Wine speaks of wealth in the household. Wealthy families are able to afford the best wine. Anyway, I remember having to taste the best wine from Germany which is so smooth and fragrant.
In this context, water seems to signify a very plain and simple life while wine signifies the best of all things on earth with a truly awesome taste and texture. Life is actually like wine. It's full of taste and texture. The longer you let the wine stays in the wooden barrel for fermentation and preservation, the fragrant the wine can get. Likewise, the longer we allow ourselves to indulge in the living Word of God, the better the life is.
Praise be to Daddy God! Life without Jesus is definitely a drag and pain. With Jesus, He dwells inside me. Wherever I go, I know He's always with me. Whenever I'm down, He's always there to lift my heart with joy and gladness and most importantly, the peace within. Whenever I face a challenge, He's always there to carry me on His Shoulders. His Hands are indeed bigger than mine. My hands are too small to hold anything. Only His Hands are greater and stronger.
Well, I'm going to have a complete rest at home. Though I have my dreaded flu, I won't complain coz I rather stay home to rest than to go back office to work. Anyway, I'm still the righteousness of God in Christ. Not by my efforts and behavior, I still have my right standing with God through my Lord Jesus. This is my birth right and I will not want to be like Jacob's brother Esau who sold his birth rights to Jacob. Selling his birth rights is equivalent to renouncing his relationship with Jesus. Once bought by the blood of Jesus, nothing can take me away from Him. Nothing on this earth can undo what Daddy God had already done for us, that is, to purchase us with the blood of His Beloved Son, Jesus.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Renewed Mind
At last, most of the things that need to be done were completed and rest is something that is really lacking in my spirit, soul and body. I thank Daddy God for His mercy and grace that I will never lack because of the divine exchange that Jesus had done for me on the mighty cross. Jesus said "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
It sounds simple though and yet many times, I can hardly understood how Jesus can be the Way, the Truth and the Life when all things start to fall upon me. However, I thank God for the message that my pastor had preached during the midweek services, that God had already qualified me for His thousand-fold blessings and I'm claiming my blessings and inheritance in Jesus' Name!
I'm claiming my financial breadk-through in Jesus Name and that multi-million dollars inheritance is mine. I'm claiming them right now at this instant in Jesus Name. Daddy God, I want to draw as much as possible from You because You have qualified me to be the partaker of Your inheritance. I don't care what the devil is trying to tell me. I just focus on Jesus and His Finished Work for me on the cross that He was made poor to set me free of poverty and lack. He was made lonely so that I do not lack in quality friends.
Daddy God, help me to hold on to this truth and I want to hold on to this truth. The devil cannot do anything to me coz Jesus had purchased me with His Blood. I'm totally cleansed and free from every curses because He was hung on the tree, for it is written, "Cursed is He who was hung on the tree.." Daddy God, since Jesus was hung on the tree, all the curses that were meant for me fell upon Him. It was Your Love for me that hung Him on the cross to die for my sins and to take away all my sicknesses and diseases.
Thank you Daddy God. Esp for the miracle that You have given to me today that I don't even have to worry about the carpark fees. You have made it such that I don't have to pay a single cent out of my pocket. Thank You Daddy God.. Likewise, You can also pay my income tax without me having to pick a single cent out of my pocket too. :P Thank You Daddy God, for all Your Provisions coz You are my El-Shaddai. The Ultimate El-Shaddai.
It sounds simple though and yet many times, I can hardly understood how Jesus can be the Way, the Truth and the Life when all things start to fall upon me. However, I thank God for the message that my pastor had preached during the midweek services, that God had already qualified me for His thousand-fold blessings and I'm claiming my blessings and inheritance in Jesus' Name!
I'm claiming my financial breadk-through in Jesus Name and that multi-million dollars inheritance is mine. I'm claiming them right now at this instant in Jesus Name. Daddy God, I want to draw as much as possible from You because You have qualified me to be the partaker of Your inheritance. I don't care what the devil is trying to tell me. I just focus on Jesus and His Finished Work for me on the cross that He was made poor to set me free of poverty and lack. He was made lonely so that I do not lack in quality friends.
Daddy God, help me to hold on to this truth and I want to hold on to this truth. The devil cannot do anything to me coz Jesus had purchased me with His Blood. I'm totally cleansed and free from every curses because He was hung on the tree, for it is written, "Cursed is He who was hung on the tree.." Daddy God, since Jesus was hung on the tree, all the curses that were meant for me fell upon Him. It was Your Love for me that hung Him on the cross to die for my sins and to take away all my sicknesses and diseases.
Thank you Daddy God. Esp for the miracle that You have given to me today that I don't even have to worry about the carpark fees. You have made it such that I don't have to pay a single cent out of my pocket. Thank You Daddy God.. Likewise, You can also pay my income tax without me having to pick a single cent out of my pocket too. :P Thank You Daddy God, for all Your Provisions coz You are my El-Shaddai. The Ultimate El-Shaddai.
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