Wednesday, July 20, 2005

My Pet Lobster

Now let me introduce my pet Lobster "Labbie"! Dun know whether it's a male or a female.. Anyway, it doesn't matter..

Hiding behind the filter

Searching for food

Labbie The Sleeping "Beauty"

Sun Tanning


Evelyn Zoe said...

wow! the photos are well-taken! u took with digital camera?

Danz said...

yup yup!! thanks! i used my digital camera to take them.. the only thing is that Labbie likes to hide and kindda difficult to get it out from its hiding place.. haha.. pengz..

Danz said...

Say!! Labbie is quite photogenic! hahaha.. :P

Unknown said...

Looks quite nice, i mean yummy,
shall we wait for him/her full grown and shall we... ... now?
