Thursday, September 29, 2005

Symbolical representation of numbers

This is something that amazes me in some ways.. I pray that I'm not too paranoid into figures.. Well, lately there had been several instances when the number 4 was impressing very deeply in my heart until recently. I didn't understand the reason and well, I guess it's the Holy Spirit who prompted me into deep thoughts..

The number 4 is a number which many Chinese people detest very much. Recently, I got to understand the symbolical representation of this number which represents the 4 corners of the earth as well as the 4 corners of the cross.

The stupid egg (ie that darn no-air-time devil) has been putting a lot of superstitious thinkings into the minds of most Chinese people that it's a very inauspicious number and it brings forth death. Well.. indeed.. It also sounds like death when you read it out in Chinese or in any Chinese dialects.

However, the Holy Spirit showed me that 4 is the representation of the cross. It is on the cross that Jesus was cruxified on. It was where Jesus died on. He was hung on the cross. And this is where Jesus had conquered death for all of us!! See!!! The stupid egg doesn't want us to believe in Jesus who died for all of us and it puts superstitious thoughts into the minds of people who were created by our Creator, our Lord Jesus Himself. The stupid egg is trying to pull us away from the Creator Himself.

And most Chinese people tend to put the traditions and the laws into their lives. This gives the darn egg the open door to wreck havoc in our lives. But PRAISE BE TO JESUS!! He conquered all deaths and He HIMSELF brought everyone of us back to His side for eternity. The devil has no more power over death. He can only wreck havoc into our lives by putting in all the false doctrines, the law, and lies, to make our hearts fail. The devil simply has NO MORE power! He's now like a wimp that goes around to roar like a sick lion.

Ok.. no more air time for that darn egg.. I have only time for our Lord Jesus and He's the only One who deserves all our air time! Praise Jesus for His Grace towards us is so super-abundant exceedingly great (which means INFINITY!). There's no limit to His Grace for all of us. The only thing we just need to do is to REST and He will do all things for us.

He had redeemed us from sweat, stress, sicknesses, diseases, curses, disasters, sorrows, pains and every bad things. He took them upon Himself and He exchanged all of His blessings and goodness and gave them to everyone of us.

The only thing I have to say is I urge those who are still not believing in Jesus to believe Him. Your heart just need to say out, Lord Jesus, I need You and You are my Lord and Savior. He hears you, He reads your heart. He's the Creator of all mankind, in the likeness of Himself. So, what makes one think that He cannot read our hearts? :P He loves everyone and He will never forsake anyone on earth and will never allow any soul to depart from Him coz all of us belong to HIM and HIM ALONE..



ShepherdKing said...

This is indeed a fresh revelation from heaven! Thanks so much for sharing wif us Sharan gal!

cybeRanger said...

Best (4 characters)
Rest (4 characters)
4 Gospels... Cool... haha..