Monday, August 19, 2013

Overwhelming peace

It had been another season of big struggle and a decision to make whether to take on a new job or simply trust God in His directions.  This morning, my heart was so down and out that I wished that I don't have to make any decisions.  My faith had been so minuscule to the point that it can't be detected at all.  I was thinking back of all the events that happened and how God had really touched in my life, I can't simply ignore what He had been wanting me to go into.  I think I'm one of those who have been testing God so much to the point that He may get so irritated and wanted to just shake my head and say, HEY!! WAKE UP!!!

Instead, Daddy God had been so loving, soft and silent in His confirmations and He brought out so much beauty in His confirmations for me. I was like asking for so many confirmations and still asking for more confirmations. 

This morning was a crunching moment to decide what I wanted to do and weigh what I love to do.  I don't like anything that will bound me down and making me so lifeless after that.  It's not the life that God had wanted me either.  He had always been trying to tell me that things will be alright and just trust Him.  Perhaps it had been one of those struggles that I had in life that made me totally lost all confidence and trusts - endless betrayals and back-stabbings, etc.. I was like why in the world am I going thru these.

I knew I'm being marked out for something and I seriously have no idea what I'm being marked out for.  I only know that I don't take "No" for an answer and kept barging in for an answer.  Oh.. I've gone out of my tots now and back to my main topic..

This morning, I took the step of faith to walk into God's direction and not pursuing the things of man.  I've decided to pursue God and His Goodness (though I'm kindda blur blur in acknowledging it many times).  God says that I'm a simple girl and wants simple things.  Yes, coz He made me so.  And I only love simple things coz in my world and vision, I want to see things in a simple and plain manner.  Anyway having made that decision, I felt a surge of overwhelming peace within.  My colleague who is also a strong believer, shared with me about Rebecca and how the peace came about after her decision to follow the unnamed Servant.

The unnamed Servant here now in my situation is the Holy Spirit and He had been nudging in my heart to follow Jesus and and God's directions.  Henceforth, my decision is to follow Jesus and I trust that He will take care of everything for me.  It was the same overwhelming peace that I had in March 2013 when I told Daddy God that I will put down the potential business income that can provide for my mom and trust in Him to provide everything.

Ahhh.. now that i see, the devil is using my mom as the point to stop me from moving in God's direction. In Jesus name, my mom is fully protected and nothing by any means shall harm her. Coz Lord Jesus paid the price for her and me.  We shall reign in life together and we shall have the most rewarding and fulfilling life that God has given to us.

Thank you Holy Spirit..  Thank you so much.. I love you, Daddy God. I love you Lord Jesus and I love you too, Holy Spirit...


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